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- Member, International Bar Association
Latin American Regional Forum; Legal Profession & World Organizations Committee - International Law Associate, American Bar Association (& its International Law Section)
- Member, 1993 to present, Bar of Attorneys of Nicaragua
- Member, 1993 to present, Association of Democratic Jurists of Nicaragua
- Member, Latin American Studies Association
- Member, American Legion,Post 132 (Orange, CA)
- Member, Knights of Columbus, Council 4922
- Member, International Fellowship of Christians & Jews
- Member & Former Historian, Epsilon Nu Delta Fraternity
- Blood Donor, American Red Cross, Orange County Chapter
- Founder & Former Director, Immigration Law Project, The Gary Center, Inc.
- Founder & Former President, Nicaragua-USA Chamber of Commerce
- Former Member, 1959-, Congress on Racial Equality/CORE
- Former Youth Commissioner, 1976-79, City of Fullerton, California
- Former Member, Southern California Rehabilitation Exchange
- Former Member, Occupational Bilingual Rehabilitation Assocs., Orange County Chapter
- Former Board Director & Secretary, 1976-80, Legal Aid Society of Orange County
- Former Board Director & Secretary, 1993-94, Family Service of Orange County
- Former Member, National Federation of Independent Business
- Former Board Director, V. Pres. & Secretary, Minority Business Council of Orange County
- Former Special Deputy Sheriff, 1962-83, Office of the Sheriff, Passaic County, NJ
- Former Member, American Historical Association
- Former Member, Amalgamated Meat Cutters & Butcher Workmen of No. America/AFL-CIO
- Former Member, Culinary Workers & Bartenders Union/AFL-CIO
- Former Member, Taxi Drivers’ Union Local/AFL-CIO
- Former Board Director, Laotian-American Chamber of Commerce
- Former Member, Calif. Assoc. of Rehabilitation Professionals
- Former Member, Calif. Hotel & Motel Assoc.
- Former Member, American Hotel & Motel Assoc.
- Former Cadet Member, 1955-60, Civil Air Patrol (US Air Force Auxiliary), NJ Wing, Group 221
- Former Musician Member, 1960-62, Doremus (American Legion) Post 55 Drum & Bugle Corps, Hackensack, NJ
- Former Musician Member, No. Caldwell (NJ) Community Orchestra
- Recipient, Cold War Service Recognition Certificate, US Secretary of Defense, 2000
- Awarded, NRCC Congressional Order of Merit, 2008
- Recipient, Ronald Reagan Republican Gold Medal, 2004
- Honorary Chairman (California), US House [of Representatives] Majority Trust, 2004
- Recipient, 2003 Businessman of the Year, Business Advisory Council: National Republican Congressional Committee
- Recipient, National Leadership Award, Business Advisory Council: National Republican Congressional Committee, 2002
- Appointee for California, Presidential Business Commission, 2002
- Appointee, Honorary Chairman, Business Advisory Council: National Republican Congressional Committee, 2002
- Nominee, 2002 Businessman of the Year, Business Advisory Council: National Republican Congressional Committee
- Recipient, Presidential Commendation, Office of the President of Nicaragua, 1996
- Recipient, Certificate of Appreciation, City Council, Fullerton, CA, 1978
- Recipient, Walter Greacen Memorial/Poorfellow of the Year Award, 1968-69, Epsilon Nu Delta Fraternity
- Recipient, Proclamation of City of Orange, California
- Honoree, Who’s Who in the West, 14th ed.
- Honoree, Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges, 42nd ed.
- Service Honoree, The Gary Center, Inc.
- Recipient, Certificate of Appreciation, Orange County Legal Education Program
- Recipient, Corpus Juris Secundum Award for Significant Legal Scholarship (Administrative Law), West Publishing Company
- Elected, 9th Circuit Governor, Law Student Division, American Bar Association, 1974-75
- Executive Editor & Publications Editor, Western State University Law Review
- President, Student Bar Assoc., Western State University College of Law
- President, Senior Class, Western State University College of Law
- Justice, Moot Court Competition, Western State University College of Law
- Justice, Student Court, Fairleigh Dickinson University
- Recipient, Honorable Discharge, USA Armed Forces, 1970